Say No to the Winter Blahs

Winter is not my thing. To me, the cold is an inconvenience that keeps me from enjoying one of the things I love most in this life — being outside.

Nature recharges me in a way nothing else can. Breathing the fresh air, feeling the earth under my bare feet, digging my toes into the riverbed while the water rushes around me… there’s just nothing that compares!

So, during winter months, I thank my lucky stars I live in Florida and, comparatively speaking, these months are mild. The days that are frigid, by my standards, are peppered throughout much less chilly days.

During these months, I look for things to make winter more pleasant. Sunshine tops the list. On the crispiest of days, the sun may not warm the air, but it warms my soul. Also, I listen for birds. Birdsong cheers my spirit. It’s such a happy, carefree sound!

Visuals are also helpful. While riding around, I notice the trees and how they contrast with the sky, how the branches take different directions. I love the majestic oak trees in this area. Some of them have old hanging Spanish moss, while others have tufts of ferns growing on top of their long, thick branches. The limbs of some stretch upward, seeming to tickle the bottoms of the clouds. Their counterparts have limbs that are low, long and rambling horizontal to the ground. The bark varies in color from dark to light, some of it speckled or splotchy. All of it captures my attention and fascination.

So, if you’re like me and you are not one of the individuals who delights in crispy temperatures and snow and ice, just notice these things. Let them lift you and rest assured, warmer weather is coming. Don’t forget to appreciate the sky. There is much interest there and looking up is always a good thing!

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